Sunday, February 24, 2013

Who i'm in the next 20 years?


Well hi everyone. I'm just okay today. watching movies non stop. Ahakkkks. New hobby. So today when i skype with one of my friend, we just chat about future. Y'know since our spm results is coming soon, we both so scared and yeahhh i just don't know where to continue my study. I know all of that depends on our result but since we had to fill upu kan? Arghhh.

My ambition? Goshh, i've a lot. ihikkkks. Gediks puloks. Firsly i wanna be

 Pharmacist. Hehhe. I love buat ubat. But my sis already on her way to become pharmacist. But i dont know lahhh. Oh my starrr, so cool becoming pharmacist. After 5 years work in govermen then i'll open my own pharmacy. Oh my dream. Amin, guys pray for me okay. Hihi. Next i wanna become

Geologist petroleum. Ahaksss, i minat since alumni samura cerita about this job. That was just so great. Mencabar. Hee. Next, i wanna be

 Dentist. Yeahhh, so cool. Since i adore gile with the job. Just relax and calm. Hihi. Then i'll open my own clinic. Oh Aisyah Clinic. Amin. Next

The tesl teacher. hihi. I love english. Just okayy. I'm not interest masuk maktab lahh kihkih. Y'know tesl can go overseas kan? haha. Become pensyarah pun okay jugak. It just so so laa. Hii. My parents dream actually. But tesl is awesome what. Or add math teacher olso great. Amin. Next, i wanna be

Actuary. Auchhh everything is about money and math. The salary? $$ wuhuuu :) But i tengok abang i belajar, fuhhhh. mcm susah jek --" 

Photography. Hee. My hobby and ambition. Combining it togather must be great. Or can it just be my part time job maybe? Amin So i can take picture for anything. Maybe for the asia next top model. Or i'll be the model just like Jesica the winner for the first ever asia next top model. I follow tau. Hahaha

Amin. Next is

I'll open my own shop. Couse i love shoping lagi lagi kat cotton on. Hihi. I can be any stokis for anything. Hehe. InsyaAllah. Bisness oh bisness :)

For both engineer or architect yang dok bina bangunan peliks peliks nih which is i tak minat. Also lawyer. haha. But if takdir Allah i'll be one of it. I redha. Tapi kalau boleh tidak lah. Hee Tapi kalau dapat govermen ke swasta yang tade dalam minat ni, pun boleh. Jadi DO pun boleh. Hee

Jadi suri rumah pun okay jugak. Hee. Maybe suri rumah yang ada part time job ke kan? 

Takpun jadi seorang isteri yang mithali pun dah cukup. InsyaAllah. Amin. So what ever it is everything semua Allah dah tentukan. We can just pray. 

"Ya Allah, aku seorang hamba yang lemah engkaulah yang Maha Agung. Aku bermohon kepadaMu semoga aku mendapat keputusan 9A+, keputusan yang cemerlang dan di redhai pada keputusan spm tidak lama lagi. Kau bagilah kejayaan kepadaku serta rakan seperjuanganku. Aku cuma hambamu yang lemah yang hanya ingin membalas jasa kedua ibu bapa aku. Ya Rahman, berserta itu jadikanlah aku anak yang solehah. Ya Allah perkenankanlah permintaan hamba mu ini. Amin"

Love Aisyah c: 


Shakirah said...

Goodluck. hope you will achieve what you hope for, my dear Aisyah ^^

Chaa said...

thanks syakkk :)