Well hello people,
Lima hari berlalu dah November :) But I still remember last two years November. Hm, nevermind. Oh yaaaa, welcome home to me. Hee. I'm just coming back setelah one month and a week berada di sekolahhh.
And ofcosss, final exam is just end. Surelyyy I miss my blog, my little free showing diary <3 Final is just fine. Waiting the result. Jeng jeng jeng, Hopefully, dapat capai target. Aminn. A month study bagai nak gila stay up yang actuallynye stay down. Haha. As a student, itulah hakikatnya. Kita mmg tak boleh larilahhhha
Sebulan tak onlinee rasa macam 'hello manusia, kenapa aku macam sebulan tinggal kat gua?'. I don't know all the hot story, new style and so on. rasa mcam bapaklah kannn ketinggalan gile aku. But its okay. Like people always said- Untuk suatu kejayaan kita perlukan pengorbanan. I think so. Lagi setahun kau nak habes sekolah, then you can do what ever you want kan? Talking about nak habes sekolah nih are always related with SPM. Good luck yeah to all SPM candidates :) I'm gonna sit next yearrr. HAHA
Setelah sebulan dah berlalu, semestinya too manay things yang berlaku. Pahit manis dalam hidup. Harungi dan hadapi. Itulahh kehidupan. Whatever it is, credit to all people around me who always support me from back terutamanya my beloved parents. I Heart You Ols :) I'm not a perfect person, I make mistakes. And I tried so hard to cover up all my mistakes.
Love Aisyah.
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