Thursday, December 17, 2009

I am strong like a Batman

heeeeeeee , geeeeeeeeeeeeee.err , ignore jek title ( saje buat gempak )

longtime not onl.hahahaha , I'm back everyone ;)
ouh , attention here ! I don't have an old Aisyah or even the new Aiyah.It just me , Aisyah Ahmad.The real one ;)


ouh okey , mybe one of you pelik apelah yang 'stupid things' , stupid things is things tht you all can onl.get it ? oke good

and kawan semasa saya berkhayal cakap saya memang patut lupakan semua stupid things tuh and saya rase saye nak close semua account yg telah saya cipta.amacam ? omaigod bole caye kee .jap mcm syg pulak !

btw , gathering on wednesday with my old friends and it was verrry fuuuun !I am verrry  sorry , I datang lambat dan balek awal. hee : P tp seriously I enjoy it yeah (:


Lukman Aid said...

enjoy sebab aku belanje makan ke ape?

Chaa said...

hah , wak lu ! gua tak mintak pun , sengal !