oke , tadik busan gilee.ye laa , tade sape nak teman saye , nak dengar saya cite pape lae kan kan.pape laa.tdi lepas wat hmwk , tnggl beberape je lae belance.hee.i called emylea.sayang , rinddu kat kau laa makcik , lame tajumpeee..
tadi called dye cakap ntah pape jek.gosip gosip and gosip.well , emy mmg byk ckp.haha.tadi strt2 called jek dia tanye bout 'tuuut ?*time nih tathu nak ckp apee blur.then , decide ckp je kot.cite cite dan cite.OMG , my tears falling again and again !haaaaaaaaaaaaa .

oke , pastu pastu aku cepat cepat tukar topiq perbualan kami.then , youu noe.dye cite pasal ank ustazah dye.tp kecik lae baru darjah enam.aku pun layan kan jee laa.hee.ustazah tuh org kelantan then dye ckp budak tuh iaini anak ustazah tuh loghat dye alaaa alaaa kelantan jugak.pape laa emy.asal kau heppy ;) awak tahu takk ?? sorii shahira shahiran , kami tergosip pasel awak laa.eh , saye mintak maaf ngn dye pun , bukan dye bace blog saye punh.haha
pastu ym ngn haziq.cite pasal nak jumpa dye laa , pasal hulk laa.ngarut kan kan ;)then ckp ngn dye nak smyg asr jap.bole pulak.hahaha
oke , nnt saye post lae oke.i should take my bath befoe the buke puase;)
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