Friday, August 28, 2009

happy friday kee ?

hee , i think i have a new life.saya janji saya tak akan sebut name dia.awak semua pegang janji saya tau tau ;) haha

oke , tadik busan laa , tade sape nak teman saye , nak dengar saya cite pape lae kan kan.pape laa.tdi lepas wat hmwk , tnggl beberape je lae belance.hee.i called emylea.sayang , rinddu kat kau laa makcik , lame tajumpeee..

tadi called dye cakap ntah pape jek.gosip gosip and gosip.well , emy mmg byk ckp.haha.tadi strt2 called jek dia tanye bout 'tuuut ?*time nih tathu nak ckp apee blur.then , decide ckp je kot.cite cite dan cite.OMG , my tears falling again and again !haaaaaaaaaaaaa .

oke , pastu pastu aku cepat cepat tukar topiq perbualan kami.then , youu noe.dye cite pasal ank ustazah kecik lae baru darjah enam.aku pun layan kan jee laa.hee.ustazah tuh org kelantan then dye ckp budak tuh iaini anak ustazah tuh loghat dye alaaa alaaa kelantan jugak.pape laa emy.asal kau heppy ;) awak tahu takk ?? sorii shahira shahiran , kami tergosip pasel awak , saye mintak maaf ngn dye pun , bukan dye bace blog saye punh.haha

pastu ym ngn haziq.cite pasal nak jumpa dye laa , pasal hulk laa.ngarut kan kan ;)then ckp ngn dye nak smyg asr jap.bole pulak.hahaha

oke , nnt saye post lae oke.i should take my bath befoe the buke puase;)

Thursday, August 27, 2009


he’s my only one
i give him all my love
even though my mom says no!
i just go on and on…

no one’s gonna take him away from me..

everyday and everynight
i just wanna hold him tight
and make sure that everything stays night
and everyday and every night
to dream of him is mu delight and know that
he’ll stay with me all the way

i dn't noe how to explain my feeling today.i think i'm going crazy today , why i made tht stupid keputusan huh ?why i don't think the others person ?how stupid i'm !! stupid veryy stupid.

oke oke , life must go on ye !don't be so silly aisyah !u can do it , u can handle it.yes , forget the past look the future bebeh ;)

my eyes getin' dark

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

tade kerja , cari kerja.

busan , busan , busan

ohh , mmg cuti sekolah perkara yg ditunggu-tunggu.oke , i tathu nak wat ape.duduk depan comp 24 hours jek.



keja gilee
hahaha, akuu tada kerja.oke , nowi'm going sick to on my , let it to be tenang2 dulu.mybe , next week i on balik ;)
haziq asyraff , sorii sangat sangat.i tataruk pic youu lae.i promise i will.but not now bebeh :)

Sunday, August 23, 2009


you think who i am ?

i noe i'm not so perfect.but please don't do this to me.sakit tahuuu ?tade ubat bole m'ubati nyee.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

selamat berpusa

eh , mcm sekejap gilee kan dah puase.pastu pastu tahu tahu dah ye ")first day puase , grrr.kene g schl ? mane ade org sekolah.cegu fauziah kene g la jugak.bukan nye wat pape pun.duduk2 jee.time tunggu budak2 lain solat duha , taubat and and hajat.i justduduk kat luar.pastu cegu rini pun duduk join skali.i just degar jee dowg cite bout nak masuk U.yee laa , i noe i just frm , kene keep quite jek.hee

lepas sume2 dah abis solat , kiteowng pon masuk laa dlm surau schl.time foe meeting.yaa , i , miza , shafiqa and fad ofcoz kiteowg amek pott belakang skali.malas nak amek pot.act , meeting tuh bukan nye ade pape pon.cumee nak lantik next year punye exco jek.kiteowng yg kecik2 nih tadee kenemengene lansung.haishh.btw , congrate laa sape yg dpt jd tuh.oke , lepas dah abes meeting sume bersurai then yinggl i ngn miza tercari2 akk cheti yg suke kutip utang tuh.haha..lepas bayar sume2 utang tuh , i ajak miza teman i jln balik.hee.thanx miza and sorii ssh an ko ;)

befoe i lupe , sedekahkan AL-FATIHAH buat teman saye md.azim adha.he just kemalangan two days ago.i heard dye dijumpai 2 jam lps dye kemalangn tuh.sian2..sekarang nih dye kat jb.mesti teruk.hope youu get better yee..cepat cepat laa sedar yee.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Big Fat Liar

it's oke if youu don't want to tell me tht story.but thenwhy youu told me jugak.and lie to me ? please , tell me the truth.can youu just say " that was private ".that was very easiest than made up story yg looks like real tuh !

OMG , how dare you do this to me , your own BFF ?

i'am gonna cry.tapercaye ! you have such a good looking person outside.but inside you are full of darkness.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

from me to youu

i know that you very nice never ever tell me lies you're always there to comfort me and cheer me up when i am down

however that is it
you’ve got youre world and i’ve got mine
and after that we’ve been through i must say

sorry honey, my heart is not for you
sorry baby this love is not for you
sorry honey, my heart is not for you
sorry baby this love is not for you

p/s ; H i do want with youu.but youu noe laa.i can't ! sory babe.can we just be a vey very good friend only ?


yeah , laslly i got it
dah dpt pon nak remove bendealah tuh !

then , schl going on like usual
yesterday , pn.aspalela like merajuk2 ngn kelas aku.ahh tulun'.cegu jgn lah.kiteowng tabermaksud mcm tuh.bukan kiteowng tanak bagi thu about tht making shirt and the trip tuh.we are not comfirm lae laa cegu ! nvm laa.btw , oke i was suprising when najiha said that she likes 'tuut'.OMG , hahaha.but dye tanak mengakuu !!

and sbp johor ramai yg kene demam2 mcm tuh.sian eh ! shukerlaa dato onn klau kene bley cutii , ngarut2.bahaye laa.klau meninggal baru nyesal tasudah.about virus tuh , tolong laa jgn merebak cpt2.and and rizan now at home.hahaha..hope youu get better oke ;) mkn ubat byk2 au !